HGB Drill
Gentlemen, Our drill weekend will be in collaboration with the Hardee Guard Battalion at Mountain Cove Farms on Saturday, March 5 beginning at 10:30am Eastern Time (9:30 Alabama Time). Here are some of the battalion drills that we will practice (from the Colonel's email): Forming the Battalion Posting the colors By files right into line…
Janney Furnace
Janney Furnace 145 Janney Rd, Ohatchee, AL, United StatesBattle Above the Clouds
Cheaha State Park 19644 AL-281, Delta, AL, United States151st Battle of Selma, AL
Selma 122 Riverview Ave, Selma, AL, United StatesImpression is Home-Guard/Militia
Tunnel Hill
Tunnel Hill 2154 Clisby Austin Road, Tunnel Hill , GA, United StatesOur Fall Reenacting Season begins at Tunnel Hill, Georgia, September 9-11, 2016. We will be Confederate at the event. Battle Reenactments are at 2pm, Saturday-Sunday. The impression is mid-War Army of Tennessee. Come out and see us! For information on the event itself see http://www.battleoftunnelhill.com/index.html For more information on the 48th Alabama/6th Kentucky Reenactors, see www.48thal.com