HGB Drill

Gentlemen, Our drill weekend will be in collaboration with the Hardee Guard Battalion at Mountain Cove Farms on Saturday, March 5 beginning at 10:30am Eastern Time (9:30 Alabama Time). Here are some of the battalion drills that we will practice (from the Colonel's email): Forming the Battalion Posting the colors By files right into line…

Janney Furnace

Janney Furnace 145 Janney Rd, Ohatchee, AL, United States

151st Battle of Selma, AL

Selma 122 Riverview Ave, Selma, AL, United States

Impression is Home-Guard/Militia

Tunnel Hill

Tunnel Hill 2154 Clisby Austin Road, Tunnel Hill , GA, United States

Our Fall Reenacting Season begins at Tunnel Hill, Georgia, September 9-11, 2016. We will be Confederate at the event. Battle Reenactments are at 2pm, Saturday-Sunday. The impression is mid-War Army of Tennessee. Come out and see us! For information on the event itself see http://www.battleoftunnelhill.com/index.html For more information on the 48th Alabama/6th Kentucky Reenactors, see www.48thal.com